On the morning of Sunday 21st April, 2013,
a band of 11 stout fellows (including 3 ladies) left Aberdeen
for Crianlarich and Cruach Ardrain. With ‘Emerson Fittipaldi’
again at the wheel and commanding officer, and Carol in charge of today’s Presidents Party a fantastic day’s mountaineering was
enjoyed, in at times, very wintry conditions.
Here are some snap shot images of the day
which saw us leave from Ben More Farm for a traverse of Cruach
Ardrain and Beinn Tulaichean via Stob Garbh.
The “shoogile” bridge (Debs gets a helping
Debs and Viktor on the way up Cruach
Ardrain with Ben More behind them
Some welcome blue sky as we head up the
Looking across to Stob Garbh, the first
On the ridge out to Stob Garbh
Cruach Ardrain
Beinn Tulaichean and Cruach Ardrain from
the north
Looking back to Stob Garbh
As the steep face of Cruach Ardrain held
large sodden snow patches and because of the rather high
avalanche risk, forecast, and because the direct line up the
face would have been impossible today for all the party we
took a rising traverse by ramp and terrace well below the summit
which got us onto the South Ridge of Cruach Ardrain which was
then ascended.
In the snow going out to Beinn Tulaichean
We met Garry on Cruach Ardrain as he’d
taken the bus around to Inverlochlairg.
The troups
Almost there, the final snow slope on Beinn
Snow turned to rain on the descent but it
was nice to see the glen and Loch Doine & Loch Voil
Looking down to Loch Doine & Loch Voil
At Inverlochlairig farm we have a small
shop selling venison but with no one at home so unfortunately,
freezers remain empty.
Some splendid food, warmth and hospitality
was had at the Kingshouse Hotel before the party was whisked up
the road to Aberdeen to arrived “late on”.
This was a smashing day out.