The walk started at the seafront in
Arbroath past outcrops of Devonian Old Red Sandstone. The first photograph is of the Gaylet Pot
which seems to have changed its name to the Gloup. It is a blowhole formed by the collapse of
a sea cave. In the correct conditions it is still active.
Gaylet Pot

We passed through the picturesque village
of Auchmithie, where the toilets were open but the hotel closed (permanently). Along some farm
tracks before arriving at Lunan Bay, a fine stretch of sand.
Redcastle is a ruin situated at the mouth
of the Lunan Water.

Lunan Water has some fine meanders at its

Scurdyness Lighthouse at the mouth of the
River South Esk.

Lydia enjoying the view over Glaxo's
horrible pharmaceutical plant. A major employer in Montrose but
certainly spoils the view.

Montrose again

For me, it was a pleasure to attend this CC meet, and visit my former home area.